Seize your Taste
Taste has always been a crucial part of a designer's skillset. Somewhere along the way — especially with the rise of UX, product design, and AI tools — many designers seem to have sidelined it.
Good taste isn't something we're born with; it's learned over time. It's about curiosity, exposure, and practice. Surround yourself with quality, and you'll start to recognize it naturally.
Taste is like a muscle — the more you engage with it, the stronger it gets. It's not just about exposure; it's about actively diving into what you experience.
And remember, taste evolves. What you appreciate now might change as you grow. Keep an open mind and keep exploring.
To cultivate good taste, stay curious, expose yourself to new things, and engage with them. Whether it's food, art, or music, enjoy the journey and let your taste evolve with you.